Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A Night Snow

This past Thursday night (1/20/11),   we had a small and pretty snow which came through our area... I am enjoying taking night pictures with my camera ---so I thought I'd share a few that I took while the snow was coming down.   We only got about an inch --but it was pretty while it lasted...  (This is the kind of snow my hubby loves since he doesn't have to scrape the driveway!!!! ha)

George can tell you that my favorite part of a snow is seeing it fall...  AND--with all of the little snowstorms we have had so far this winter (I think there have been EIGHT),  most of them have come during the evening...

This one was a quick-moving front --and, as I said above, we only ended up with about an inch of snow (even though the forecasters said that we would get 3 inches)...Typical!!! ha... Anyhow--I hope you enjoyed seeing some views of our little Night Snow around our home.

They say we may get more snow tonight and tomorrow--but I don't think we'll get much this time.  The silly weather people keep changing the forecast.. I think this one will go south and east of us.  That will be okay since we need to be be 'out and about'  on Thursday.



  1. Hi Betsy, I love to see the big flakes falling softly down. This particular snow is the kind I like: pretty to look at but it doesn't last long!!!

  2. I particularly like the first photo of the flag: it's being whipped around some, yet it's standing strong---great imagery and symbolism!
    Lovely shots at night--something I haven't a clue about.
    We got some light snow last night, but it's the freezing rain part of it that has us on two hour delay again today.
    We're going to get spoiled with all these shortened days!:)

  3. I, too, believe the best part about the snow is when it's falling. So very peaceful. Thanks for sharing your night snow with us. I'll have to try that!!

  4. I agree, the best part of snow is when it is actually coming down. Waking up to an over night snow may be pretty but I always feel cheated.
    Our last(and only good one) came in the day time to my delight.
    We are now back to brown and wet.

  5. I think snow it beautiful no matter how much pulls to the ground, the serenity of the flakes as it floats down from the Heavens is just so magical and you show that in your photographs. It is very pretty.

    Take care... ♥

  6. The snowfall at night is really pretty.You captured it so well.I should give this a try sometime,but usually it is just too cold for me to want to step out with the camera.
    Have a wonderful day.

  7. Love these pictures, Betsy! Did you use flash for the captures? Or were there outside lights? I love the snow while it's falling, or after it's first on the ground - before it has been messed with by snow-plows and other human inventions. As someone said, "If it will just snow on the yards and fields and trees and stay out of the roads and walkways, I don't care how much it snows!"

  8. That's my kind of snow too. Alas, we don't often get a "dusting"--more like a "dumping". The photos are great. The second one reminds me of a starry night. And, I love the ones that have the few clinging orangish (dogwood?) leaves on the mostly bare tree. For now, I'm hoping for no snow.


  9. Beautiful photos, Betsy. Like Ruth, I'd like to try this myself sometime, but it's SO cold out there! Thank you for doing it for us.

  10. I only enjoy watching the snow when everyone is safe at home. That doesn't happen often, so I haven't enjoyed the snow in a long time......

  11. Yes I like that kind've snow, too! Beautiful while it falls but doesn't last long. Unfortunately the boys love the snow that hangs around for days! :-) They're finally back to school this week.

    Cathy @ Country Cathy

  12. sigh.... spring seems so far away doesn't it Betsy!!

    Well... what can we do? Nothing. Maybe just make snow angels. :)

    xo Catherine

  13. Nice shots Betsy. One of my favorite snow views is light shinning on fresh, small, dry flakes and makeing it look like a field of diamonds.

  14. i am thinking the silly weather people keep changing their minds because the silly weather can't make up its mind. our weather people are having the same problem. we are swinging back and forth from 40 when we wake up to today's wake up at 64, thunderstorms on the way and more cold front. we need the rain but not the cold. jst like last year, florida does not have its normal pretty face. the camera and you are doing a great job of night shots, the falling snow is beautiful and i am glad it is falling on you not us. i will look at your photos and enjoy the beauty with out the snow

  15. I was telling Patti the other day that I wanted to try what you show in these pictures just to see what they would look like. They're really pretty with the snowflakes reflecting.

    You've complained enough about not getting snow so mother nature it taking care of it. :) And poor George has to pay for you complaining. :)

  16. Nothing like silent falling snow. I miss it. My camera doesn't take night pictures well. One of these days if my house-car-life stops having financial problems, I'm getting a new camera. :))

  17. Lovely shots, Betsy. You captured the night scenes perfectly. The snow is pretty when falling. We have had only two small snowstorms anf both short lived. MB

  18. oh. never seen any shot of snow at night b4. this is my first time. thanks for the pics.

  19. Betsy, I loved seeing these night shots of the snow, especially the ones showing the flag!!!

  20. I love any kind of snow and this is so pretty!! Night snow is good if it stops by morning because I can shovel and enjoy it all day!!!

  21. Your certainly getting your share this year Betsy! But snow is so pretty I can't help loving it!

  22. Just love walking during a gentle snowfall like this and getting snowflakes on my eyelashes! Those are great photos capturing those lovely snowflakes!

    Oh, and son and family are doing fine - found a family doctor, kids love the school, the youngest misses them when they go for the day, but they still both need jobs. There's been some wrong info told to them by inexperienced staff at the hospital, but I think that is being straightened out. Pray for jobs for them please! Thanks friend1

  23. Pretty pictures, Betsy. It looks so quiet and peaceful. I'm with George. I hate having to shovel the driveway out. I hope you enjoy your day. :-)

  24. Wonderful snowy captures! We got snow overnight and the temps have been bitterly cold. I am loosing my enthusiasm for winter - haha!
    ☼ Sunny

  25. My favorite part of snow is it's falling as well -- especially the first few flakes. It's just very exciting to me.

  26. Ahhh yes, this is the best and Only good part of snow.
    Lovely captures of the flakes. ;)

  27. For those who are away from the snow belt this would be a big one. I still do the drive and sidewalk, it turns to ice here. We have had a few like that. I like the large flakes to watch.There is a fellow who has catergorized all the shapes snow can be in for a number of years.

  28. Hi Betsy, great photos of the snow. I enjoy snow only if the roads are not hazardous because my son travels a lot and my daughter has a 10 mile drive on a secondary highway to her job and it's dark when she leaves so you know...mom worries too much! I'm glad you didn't get the 9 inch snow that we got here. It's warming up a bit and the sun is shining so maybe some of it will start melting. Have a great day and take care.

  29. That is the best kind of snow: not much, and really pretty! I enjoyed your photos.

  30. I agree with you, watching the snow falling is beautiful. Thanks for the pics

  31. That's the same one that came thru here... we got about 3-4 inches & at times the snowflakes were HUGE! It was beautiful! =)
    Great night shots, Betsy!

  32. Hi Betsy!
    Yes, they do keep changing our forecast, don't they! We are having drizzling rain; I would rather have light snow :)
    All this *wet* has made for a very, muddy farm...
    Maybe tonight it will snow!?
    You and George stay warm!!
    xo, misha

  33. Hi Betsy, I am going to go out on a limb here and agree with your fine forecast! Hope so! Have a very nice day today in spite of the damp weather.

  34. I love watching the snow fall at night. Maybe that is because at night my family is home safe. Stay warm!Be careful out walking around in the dark in the snow.

  35. You got some really good pictures of the large falling flakes! We are to get about five inches overnight and into tomorrow. That will mean Phil won't work and I won't be going to my doctor appointment, and don't know about picking Ella up Thudsay. The snow is very beautiful, but I just don't like it much anymore because it always ruins plans. One overnight snow means three cancellations for us. Well, it does help us to slow down, doesn't it? So I will relax, enjoy it, and hang out by the doors and windows with the camera! We named the GPS Georgia! I'll explain in an upcoming e-mail.

  36. That's beautiful Betsy. Still wishing for some this year. Last year it came late so I'm still waiting. I love night photos.

  37. Snowfalling at night is just the best....silent and so peaceful.

  38. Oh, I so love the way the snowflakes show up from the flash! Falling snow (soft, quiet, not the kind that is accompanied by a wild wind) is so beautiful and calming. You're right about it being the best part, altho I enjoy seeing it covering the ground right after it stops falling, and nothing has walked across it yet!

  39. Pretty pictures Betsy, especially the snow and the flag. Diane

  40. Reminds me of the evening snow we had here on January 2nd.

  41. We had a little snow this morning and more is expected tomorrow. This will be a winter for the record books if it keeps up!

  42. Beautiful Betsy, we have rain.

  43. Betsy, my dear...you can truly have the snow as I'm D-O-N-E with it! completely and totally because after spending the last two Saturdays in school, I'm not having fun!!!
    I hope you are taking good care! my boy is sick today so we are home and will probably be home tomorrow since he's got a fever of 101.

  44. All so very pretty, quiet and sureal.
    Looks like we are getting more tonight, 3-5inches for us, more possibly for you and George :)
    We have fifty animals staying overnight at the spay and neuter clinic, and I'm going to have to make my way through the snow, in order to release them tomorrow morning. it's a dilemma !
    Hope to see your pictures tomorrow !

  45. Great photos. I love how you captured the snow falling. Those weather people keep saying it's going to snow here again....But I say NO! So far, no snow. YEAH!!!!

  46. These are wonderful, Betsy! I've not learned how to take good night pics yet. Stay warm!!

  47. Hey, these are good nighttime pictures! I like the pitch black background and the snow falling. Reminds me of stars in the sky.

  48. Great pictures...glad they've been little snows...all that digging out isn't a wonderful thing! Like how your flash bounced of of snow way back in the woods!

  49. Great pictures Betsy I love seeing snow fall anytime daylight or dark. I think it is so relaxing and beautiful.
    Our snow has all turned to rain this time I'm afraid.
    Hope you have a blessed tomorrow

  50. Wow, these are some gorgeous snow shots!!! I love the one with the flag looking like it was highlighted!!! Super Betsy!!!

  51. Love the flag shots Betsy!
    I'm with you on watching it fall. I've always enjoyed it that way.
    We're expecting a couple of inches tomorrow. I hope so!

  52. I really like these, Betsy. It has been a long time since I have got out to take night pictures, except for a couple I took from the front porch.

  53. I love 'big' snowflacks and light snow fall! We had both last weekend!! Nice!!

    Hope you're staying warm, Betsy!!
    Coreen xoxoxo

  54. I can imagine how cold it is out there at night. We had the coldest day in colombo after 60 years a week back. The temperature was 18 degree celcius, which is quite cold for a tropical city near the sea, but not remotely close to the snowy temperatures over there :)

  55. We are now scorching. My Muslim student with all her head gear and covered clothes said she was on fire in my house.

  56. You just gave me an idea to try this too. I love watching snowflakes dance around and may try a video version. Our deep freeze temp. has passed and snow's on it's way. Hope your Thursday of out n anout is a good one.

  57. So pretty, there is something almost magical about watching it snow at night. The weather guys keep getting our forecast wrong too, except for tonight. We have the thick fog they predicted.

  58. I remembered the days I sat by the windows and gazed at the falling snow flurries in New York & Pittsburgh. It was beautiful and made my heart happy always. Here the weather is so hot and rains often. It makes me sticky and moody plus cranky! Ha ha ha....

  59. you are lucky. up here we have snow storms almost every week. and they are not just simple storms... they usually leave behind mountainous snow bank. can't wait for spring.


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