Friday, November 19, 2010

Fall on the Blue Ridge Pkwy-Part II

I hope you haven't missed any of my pictures from our Maggie Valley trip so far.  In yesterday's post,  we started our drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway (between Soco Gap and Mt. Pisgah) in the fog.  As the day went on,  the fog lifted and we saw some gorgeous Autumn colors along the parkway.  Today's set are still in the 'mid-elevation' area --where there were beautiful colors all around us.

I loved seeing this Maple tree showing off its colors against that blue sky.

Here's another beautiful picture of the colors ---with that blue sky in the background.  It's hard to believe that it had been rainy and foggy just an hour or so before this picture was taken.

The REDS of Autumn truly take my breath away.   Isn't this tree just gorgeous?

As you can tell, there were still lots of clouds up there in the sky that day.  BUT--the clouds made for some great shadows on the mountains.

The mountain ranges along the Blue Ridge Parkway in this area just seem to go on forever.   And the higher in elevation we went,  the more mountain ranges we saw... WOW!!!

I love seeing the peaks of all of the mountains in the distance... AND--with that beautiful color in the foreground,  this just made for a great picture,  don't you think?

Monday,  I'll show you the highest elevation (6053 feet) along the Blue Ridge Parkway.  SO--come back for more!!!!

Have a great weekend --and I'll try to catch up with your posts this weekend (although the last bunch of leaves are beckoning for me to rake and blow them OUT of our yard).   See you Monday!!!



  1. Good Morning Betsy, The colors are awesome in your photos. Don't work too hard in the leaves this weekend.

  2. Despite the lack of rain this summer, the leaves seem to be more vivid in color this year.
    Those reds are just heart-stopping, they make you want to stare and stare.
    I love your trips....

  3. Oh wow, Betsy:) those shades of red and gold really take my breath away. Beautiful photography. And my eye is drawn to the furtherest mountains making me feel as though I'm there. Thanks for this beautiful ride through the park. Have a blessed weekend, (((hugs))) Jo

  4. Really nice shots Betsy and wonderful colors.
    Isn't it odd how those beautiful leaves take our breath away in delight while on the trees and then take our breath away from exertion when they fall in our yards.
    Have fun raking.

  5. Have a nice weekend Betsy ~ and have fun! :)

    xo Catherine

  6. Each of these is so gorgeous.Now can I trade you some of that color for some of our snow.I will be clearing the snow off the car and driveway today.Oh joy.:(
    PS: It is pretty.

  7. that is THE reddest tree I have ever seen. beyond beautiful it is. so much pretty color, you hit the valledy at just the right time

  8. Loved all those pics Betsy. The colors are so pretty.

  9. Amazing photos! I agree that area of the country is so pretty : ) Hope you have a great weekend!

  10. Betsy, all of your are truly amazing captures of the mountains in all their splendor!

  11. Hi Betsy, I agree about those red colors! Have a super good day today!

  12. Betsy: Your fifth photo down is residing on my refrigerator front. It just struck me as a place where I've stood and I want to share it with our Thanksgiving guests. It will be fun to tell them about our "acquaintance" and how you've kept me in touch with my roots through you wonderful photographs.

    Hope you have a delightful romp in the leaves today.


  13. WOW!I am trully amazed at this area. I was there in March but have missed some great seasonal changes.I mow my leaves,its easier and even have my neighbors put theirs in my garden.Lots of good in those leaves.Have a good weekend.

  14. Betsy, I just had to pop in to tell you how much I've enjoyed all these pictures you took down in my neck of the woods. We never got a chance to get up on the Parkway during the height of fall leaf color, so it's a pleasure to see it through your eyes! Thank you. I especially loved the shots from yesterday---the fog lends such a sense of mystical beauty.

  15. wow, such an amazing world. your photos are truly captivating. i love the different shades of autumn colours against the beautiful sky.

  16. Wonderful pictures, Betsy! You chose the right time to go there! THat red tree makes me want to scream with delight!!!

  17. You capture everything so elegantly Betsy ... feels like one can just reach out & touch ... we missed it all by just a couple weeks.

    Have a beautiful & blessed Thanksgiving holiday ~
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  18. Beautiful, beautiful photos! And I'm glad I don't have to rake all those lovely leaves! Have an awesome weekend and God bless!

  19. Totally awesome, Betsy.
    Thank you for showing us the magnifcent rolling hills of color.
    Awaiting the next installment. MB

  20. Amazing colors in your pictures, Betsy. You have such a contrast in your pictures..they are a delight to see. Am a little jealous...I don't have all those beautifully colored trees here AND I can't take such good pictures. It's a talent, I'm sure. I love taking pictures, but am not real good at it.


  21. The colors of the leaves are to pretty. They really compliment the sky.

  22. Beautiful pictures Betsy. Have a wonderful weekend. Diane

  23. You get such great views with your photos - - - - you just seem to find the perfect place to take each picture. Couldn't you just cry with joy because of the overwhelming beauty? It's a scene I could gaze at for hours and hours.

  24. I love seeing your mountains, so beautiful. Again I love your photos!
    ps. waiting til next week to blog about Maggie Valley

  25. Gorgeous, gorgeous, just gorgeous!!!

  26. No matter how many times I view your photos I just cannot get over how much color you get during the fall. It's just beautiful.

  27. The big red tree and the last one are my favorites, but they are all georgous!

  28. If it weren't for you and George I would have missed fall altogether, Betsy.
    Thanks so much for sharing these gorgeous views along the Blue Ridge Parkway.
    Sadly we don't travel that far any more. I miss our trips to the mountains.

    Hugs and blessings ;)

  29. Betsy,
    These fall photos of the Blue Ridge Parkway are breathtaking. Thanks for sharing these beautiful photos. I wish I could take off to the parkway, but have not been able to go this fall. What a joy to go there with you through your blog.

  30. The colours are just amazing!!

    How did you find Mr an Mrs Adams?

  31. Such beautiful colors.
    Don't work too hard this weekend...enjoy the fruits of your 'earlier' labors. :)

  32. What a neat drive and all those gorgeous colors. Great photos again Betsy. Thanks for taking us along on so many wonderful drives.

  33. My niece used to live near Maggie Valley...what a beautiful area..but I never was lucky enough to see it in color. Thanks for sharing.

  34. The colors are so pretty against that bright blue sky, Betsy. It just really shows how lovely they are. Hope you have a nice weekend! :)

  35. Hi Betsy, what beautiful colors. I love the reds, oranges, yellows, and browns. Our colors are nearly gone, so I was so glad to see yours!!

  36. The blue background really makes those colors pop! What a great grouping!
    You never disappoint Betsy...

  37. That red tree is my favorite. I think red leaves are prettiest.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  38. This is better than the part one. :)

    Last three are out of this world! Wow!!!

  39. Oh I agree.. this is better than part 1! The colors are just amazing and I hate to see it all come to an end. Will you guys go back to the area in Wintertime?

  40. Gorgeous colors, Betsy! The reds are my favorites too. Beautiful photos.

  41. I love your photos of the Blue ridge pkwy. I've never been that way but I've herd a lot about it. I've been through Georgia into Tennessee and it is lovely but your photos are breathtaking.

  42. What a beautiful place! The colors are really spectacular! It's very bare here now. Leaves are just about gone.

  43. These are just beautiful places and the foliage is outstanding.

  44. WOW! photos, Betsy! I ♥ all the vibrant autumn colors!!

  45. unbelievably beautiful.
    i just had some of the fall images i took this season, enlarged, printed on canvas, so i can frame them as art on my walls at home. you should do the same.

  46. unbelievably beautiful.
    i just had some of the fall images i took this season, enlarged, printed on canvas, so i can frame them as art on my walls at home. you should do the same.

  47. the red tree takes my breath away too......gorgeous!!!!

  48. Beautiful pictures. The color is just like I imagined your mountains to display. I'm trying to catch up on at least my blog reading right now, and pick up on the writing part next week. I'm kind of chuckling to myself as I type this. Life is just stuck in the fast lane right now. It should let up a bit by December!

  49. You really got some great pictures. I always enjoy going back and looking at pictures so I'm sure I'll be going back to take a peek.

  50. Thank you for sharing the amazing fall colors at Blue Ridge Pkwy. The mountain ranges and trees are just gorgeous!

  51. The colors are amazing! Looking at your beautiful pics brings back good memories! Have a blessed weekend!

  52. I wish I had the opportunities you and George have seeing so much of the beauty the good Lord provides for us.

  53. The colors of the trees and the mountain vista take my breath away. Lovely, lovely photographs!

  54. The red leaves are just amazingly vivid. Your photos are great, almost like being there.

  55. You captured so mnay wonderful autumn photos, Betsy! This was truly av glorious fall! I will be sorry to see it end although I am looking forward to Christmas :)

  56. I had to go back and catch up on your posts. Those red trees are just amazing in the photos. I have a lot of leaves still in my yard. If I don't get back before Thanksgiving, I hope you two have a wonderful day.

  57. WOW amazing pics! I miss out on the foliage here in the city :( great to see the earth changing seasons!

  58. You have captured the glorious colors of nature's tapestry perfectly.
    The brilliant reds are breathtaking.
    ☼ Sunny

  59. Finally got caught up on your last 3 blogs. Absolutely loved the bird one! I do miss my birds--some day I'll be able to have bird feeders again.

    The reds were especially awesome in the photos of this recent trip.
    Such a glorious way to spend time.

    I always 'escape' a little when I visity your blog. Thanks for the 'minute' vacations. :)

  60. Betsy, I like all your photos but the 4th one is my favorite :-)

    I hope you have a great week


  61. Betsy, I like all your photos but the 4th one is my favorite :-)

    I hope you have a great week


  62. you are so talented with taking photos. the colors and the scenery is fantastic. thanks for your comment on my post re change. you did alot of job hopping as i did as well. lots of jumping out of the box. you are one tough, but yet sweet and sensative lady. God Bless. rose

  63. Amazing, the color you still have. Our leaves had all fallen months ago already.
    I have missed you. Thanks for stopping by BlessYourHeart

  64. Betsy, Those colors take my breath away, too!

  65. The colors are amazing Betsy, those reds really are breathtaking.

    I'm running late and catching up. We knew we had snow coming in this weekend followed by very cold temps (2 degrees is forecast for tomorrow night) and we spent the weekend getting everything ready. It all should have been done weeks ago but we kept procrastinating and enjoying the beautiful autumn weather.

  66. I miss fall already and can't wait for the next foliage. I think fall is the pretties season of all. Your photos are proofs.


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