Friday, October 29, 2010

Straight from the Elk's Mouth

If you have read my blog recently, you will know that George and I and our great friends, Neal and Patti, went to the Cataloochee Valley (north of Maggie Valley, North Carolina) to see the elk on Wednesday, October 20. I posted pictures yesterday and will tell you an elk story today---straight from the elk's mouth!!!!!! (Did you know I spoke 'elk'????? I do--and this bull elk confided all of this to me!!!!!)

In the picture above, Simon the Elk was bugling.... Can you hear him???? He is hollering: "I want me a woman! I want me a woman!"

"Hmmmm... There's one!!!!!! Hi, Edith.... Wanna play with me????????"

"Awe Shucks.... Edith is paying no attention to me... Think I'll sing her a song.... 'I Luv You Truly....... Truly Dear'...... Now, ain't that purdy???? (I'm a southern elk you see!)"

"Doggone it all.... That Edith is just so gorgeous--but she's paying me no mind at all.... What shall I do??? I feel dejected!!!"

"A-ha... There are some friends... Think I'll ask George and Neal what I need to do to get a woman! They told me to go over to the other field where there are ALOT of beautiful women!!!"

"Hmmmmmmmmmm.... There are more possibilities out here... Maybe I'll sing to Sandra, or to Ginny, or to Mildred, or even to pretty little Suzanne. Think they'll pay some attention to me??????"

"Well...NOBODY---not even Ginny (who loves everybody) wants to be my 'woman'... Think I'll just take a nap --and cry for awhile.. Poor ME!! Do any of you Bloggers want to be my special friend????? PUH--LEASE!!"

Have a wonderful weekend. I'll see you on Monday morning.


  1. What a great post to start my day off with a chuckle!!! Spectacular photos of Simon, the rejected Elk, and his friends.

  2. Maybe he needs to brush his teeth and use some deodorant. great elk shots.

  3. Fun story! I enjoyed the previous post also--looks like you got to see plenty--love those racks.
    Glad the eyes are fine. My mom had macular degeneration---I get checked regularly too.
    So glad you had a wonderful trip.

    Great weekend to you! Blessings--beth

  4. Cute story! Where will you go this weekend??

  5. Loved the story, really cute:)) Diane may have the answer. I hear elk breath can be killer.
    They really are such beautiful creatures and are in great condition.

  6. Oh have me giggling this morning! I love that the elk have a southern accent! Wishing you and George a great weekend.

  7. This post really made me chuckle; thanks. You told a great "story" about that elk. Sure hope he gets his "woman" LOL

  8. Oh dear! Such a sad tale. Poor Simon! HA HA! No, Betsy, I did not know that you spoke elk!! You are an amazing woman. :D

  9. You and your imagination tell a wonderful tale, Betsy.. and it was a delight to read.
    You got a lot of terrific shots of him courting but apparently with no luck at all. Oh well, that's life!


  10. aw shucks, to quote you, I thought that first guy was laughing at the camera person. I love the rear end shots as much as the others. what fun

  11. You're nuts! :) However, I think he was telling the females to shut up and be quiet for a few minutes. :)

  12. AWW! I do hope he finds a friend soon.

  13. Poor Simon, just another example of how life is universal! ;-) Have a great weekend!

  14. What a GREAT post, Betsy! I smiled all the way through it. Your photographs of the elk are fantastic, especially that first picture.

  15. LOL!!!
    What a funny story but such a sad ending. Maybe if we don't watch him he will find a woman. MB

  16. Cute story! Love the Elk pictures.

  17. Betsy, thanks for posting a great story. A good LOL read to start my weekend :-)


  18. Great story Betsy - I laughed out loud.

  19. Great post, Betsy. They are such magnificent critters.

  20. I would have loved to have been with you to hear Simon sing his love songs. What an experience.

  21. Those are such beautiful elk....very majestic!!!

  22. I always knew the elk had a nice southern drawl!!!!
    So cute and funny Betsy!!!!!
    Have a lovely and quiet weekend...I will be running from some big ol' deer apparently. :)

  23. Aw, poor Simon. I'm sure some of those ladies will change their minds soon. Simon is such a handsome fellow, and I'll bet his courting song is pretty, too.

  24. Poor guy! Hopefully the ladies changed their minds:)

  25. you are a funny lady, dear Betsy!

  26. Oh, Betsy, you're a nut!! Nice pictures and nice little story!! Diane

  27. I love the sound of bugling and have not heard it enough...
    So wonderful to see the gorgeous animals you found.

  28. I am laughing and laughing! You need to make up MORE stories to go with your pictures, just to entertain ME! I love the way you did even snap him hollering at the girls with his mouth open. Aww! Poor thing, he must be the nerd of the group! I think I would have let him play with me.

  29. He is quite a handsome looking guy! You sure have a way with storytelling! Such fun! That's quite the herd you found. Great photos!

  30. You're a great storyteller!!!

    There are no elk in South Africa - send him over - we'll love him!

  31. Chuckle, chuckle, smile...great story! Poor ole Simon-but he's handsome so will probably get him a girl!


  32. Cute, funny, and beautiful - - - - three for the price of one!

  33. ROFLOL, That was a spectacular post. Loved it. Poor thing he is having an awful time of it.
    I see you guys had a magnificent time. No place better than the Smokey Mtn's & surrounding area.

  34. Cute story, but your pictures don't want to load all the way, yours is the only blog I have trouble with. ???????

  35. Oh Betsy you about made me wetsy, lol that is just so adorable, such beautiful creatures these Elk are, and they are in North Carolina, I did not know that. You have a real good weekend and keep them great photos coming, I love coming here. Lots of love Barbara

  36. Hi you Southern Elk,

    You can have me, a Down Under Deer, Americans spend thousands to try to get me, and I always elude them.

  37. My son is an avid hunter. How excited he would have been to see this sight.

  38. ROF! Betsy! You are so cute! And to name one Mildred ... chuckle!

    So glad you all had a beautiful visit with Mildred & John. Aren't they just the most precious ever? Meeting them makes you love them even more ...

    Have a BOO-TEA-FUL weekend!
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  39. Oh My G - oodness! What an imagination!!! ☻☻☻

  40. How cute! I'm glad you explained about Southern Elk...

  41. I always enjoy your posts Betsy. They never fail to make me smile. :)

  42. LOL! I feel so sad for that love sick Elk! Hope he found his special lady by now.

    Have a good weekend Betsy!

  43. Hi Betsy, Nice pictures of the Elk herd! Have a super weekend!

  44. Oh my gosh Betsy, I love your story of Simon the Elk. Poor guy, maybe he is trying too hard. Perhaps a little more of the hard to get attitude would catch the ladies attention. LOL!

    A great weekend to you and George. Hope you have beautiful weather so you can do a little exploring.

  45. OO what a poor elk.., Betsy!
    but I have a pretty cute kitty named Apil... let she be your woman, if you want, Simon the elk..!! haha...

    What a nice story...of poor Simon the elk..looking for a 'woman'...

    And the pictures have been talked themselves..
    They all looked great!!

    Thanks so much, my friend!
    Wish you the best,

  46. Hello!What a beautiful post!Thank You very much!

  47. Great shots of the elk! Love your sense of humor :-) Maybe George should be a bit worried about you speaking elk fluently.

  48. Congratulations Betsy, your story on 'moose love is really full of fantasy. AH Ah, ah!

  49. You cracked me up. Sorry elk can't be your friend right now... I am too busy too.

    This morning I had an encounter with a moose too bad... I didn't bring my camera... and really really bad... it was too late when I realized I had my phone with camera with me. I was too shocked to think.

  50. This is too cute! We are deer hunting right now and the deer are supposed to be in the rut (which in Elk talk means I want a woman!) but so far we have not had any luck. I found your blog through your friend and mine Mildred. Your pics are great. Would you mind sharing the kind of camera that you use or one that you would recommend for someone?

  51. Haha ~ a very fun post Betsy! Hope you and George are having a lovely weekend!
    xo Catherine

  52. Poor Simon. Maybe he should have said, "Simon says!" haha!
    A fun post and great pictures :)
    Happy Weekend.
    ☼ Sunny

  53. Elk "men" aren't really all that patient at "wooing" a elk "women." hehe...but I found your pictures and story quite entertaining! :)

  54. Thank you Betsy,

    Have great friends, even though online, like you helps.


  55. I enjoyed these photos but certainly need to brush up on my bugle speak.

  56. Great photos ~ as always! Poor fellar ~ just give it time ... the ladies will come around.

  57. Betsy - you are so funny w/ your amorous elks!! LOL!! Glad none of them was named Shelley......ha,ha!!

  58. Hope you & George had a wonderful, none eventful Halloween. My GD & her neighbor were broken into. Not a good Halloween for them. She has 2 little boys.

  59. They are magnificent creatures!! Wow.
    Oh, and don't ALL males (at some point) go around yelling: I want me a woman!??? hahaaaa


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