Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pine Mountain State Park, Kentucky

Continuing with our recent trip to Kentucky,   we spent the night at the beautiful lodge at Pine Mountain State Park (not far from Cumberland Gap).   If you have missed any of my posts from this area,  you can go to my sidebar,  scroll down to Labels,  and click on Cumberland Gap Area.  

Today,  I will share with you a few pictures taken from Pine Mountain ---plus a hike we took nearby that area.   Above is a picture of the foggy valley below Pine Mountain --taken from our room,  early in the morning.  Below are more.

This picture was taken from the lodge restaurant where we had dinner  the evening we got there..  Even though the photo was taken through the glass window,   you can see many of the mountain ranges.  Isn't that a beautiful view?   (And--our dinner was delicious also.)

Here is the same view from the restaurant taken the next morning while we enjoyed our breakfast.  I loved this picture simply because I love seeing the fog BELOW us --in the valley... Awesome,  isn't it? (Sorry about the reflections or smudges on the window.)

These next three pictures are taken at the overlook at the NARROWS.   We read about this hike/overlook in the Pine Mountain information packet. It looked like a great hike ---so we decided to try it.  HA----ended up being one of the WORST trails we have EVER been on... We should have turned around ----but we kept thinking that it would get better.  

First of all,  the trail was overgrown ---so it soon became obvious that nobody had maintained this area in awhile.  The trail was VERY steep ---and as if that in itself wasn't bad enough,  that steep trail consisted of very loose rocks  --which made it hard to stand up.... It truly was dangerous ---but we kept on plugging---UP UP UP...  

I finally had to stop since I was very scared (wondering how in the world I was going to get back down that steep trail--with my bad knee)...  George hiked on to the top (which was only a little farther from where I had found a rock and waited...  I was still glad that I hadn't gone any farther!!!

The picture above  taken by George showed the lake below and the State Park Golf Course.   Below are more photos from the Narrows Overlook.

One thing which appealed to us about the Narrows is that this was the 2nd gateway through the mountains  (first one was Cumberland Gap) for the followers of Daniel Boone.   Above is another picture from the overlook ---showing the 'gap' in the mountains where the pioneers were able to come through.

Finally,  here is the sign at the Narrows Overlook.   The Narrows is the locale where the Cumberland River breaches Pine Mountain and the site where pioneers traveling on the Wilderness Road crossed the river on their way to the Bluegrass.

We really wanted to see this 2nd 'gap' ---but do not recommend it to anyone since the trail is in such horrible shape.  George and I have hiked many, many trails and this one was definitely one of the worst.  The Burns Family would be very disappointed to see the condition of this trail in 2010.   Such a shame!

Once we got back to the car (YES---we both made it!!!)  we passed this neat little waterfall  dam --- so we named it the Narrows Dam.   Pretty,  isn't it???  We think this is part of the Cumberland River. 

Hope you enjoyed our photos from the Pine Mountain area... Even though we don't recommend the Narrows trail,  we do recommend the lodge at Pine Mountain State Park. 


P.S  IF the sun comes out today,  we're going to head toward the Smokies to see some Fall Colors...  One thing we won't do --and that is to go to the Smokies on the weekend in October!!!! Ha Ha---too much traffic!!!  


  1. The view from the Inn's restaurant are especially pretty. I really appreciate you and George sharing your hiking trips with us. I remember hiking some rough trails when I was in college and taking a few tumbles. I hope you and George have a lovely day for travel and sightseeing.

  2. Wonderful photographs! Glad that you and George made it out of that rough trail.


  3. Loved these photos...and that restaurant sure had some awesome views...good luck with the Smokies adventure!!!

  4. I love that scene with the fog in the valley,it is so beautiful.The trail does sound dangerous,glad you both made it safely.

  5. Great scenery shots as usual - you must spend hours sorting thru photos - thank goodness for the digital age.

  6. Gorgeous shots, Betsy. Thank you for letting us share in your travels---I enjoy it so much.

    What a pity that they don't maintain that trail, especially since they promote it in their travel brochures. I'm glad you and George navigated it safely.

  7. Lovely views of the mountain ranges, and it was neat to see the fog down below, Betsy. What a beautiful spot!

  8. Beautiful shots and views. One could never tire of them.
    I went on one of those awful hikes one time here in Arkansas and it was only dumb luck that got us to the end. Many forks but no obvious direction to take on a path decorated with boulders and overgrowth to climb through.
    Proud of you two for making it.

  9. I enjoyed the photographs from the restaurant the most. Very picturesque view to take in while eating a meal!

  10. I loved the pics Betsy. I especially liked the one of the fog in the valleys of the mtns.

    Wish I could come with you on your trip to the Smokies. Enjoy them for me!!!

  11. these are all picture postcard perfect! all of them! so jealous. I have not seen these views for many years. again thanks for the memories. was chain rock still there? we used to climb up to it and it was dangerous, a big boulder with a chain holding it there.

  12. The views from the lodge and your room are fabulous, especially the fog in the morning. Shame about the rough trail but congrats for trying it and surviving. A lovely area.

  13. Betsy, you and George take wonderful pictures and allow us to vicariously enjoy the places you visit. Thanks. Sorry about the shape of the Narrows Trail but then that's what happens from neglect. I'm glad that neither of you fell although from your description it sounded like that could have happened at any time. I agree that now is NOT a good time to go to the Smokies if one does not want to contend with the traffic!

  14. Hi Betsy, haven't been around in blogland for a few days (weeks!), but wanted to stop by today to say Hi and enjoy your travel pics! Love that pic of the lake and country side around it - it's just breathtaking!

  15. I've driven above that fog and in that fog! I hope you find lots of fall color (but save some for me) on your drive! As always, I LOVE the photos.

    Have a colorful day.


  16. So, should you ever, God forbid, encounter a problem on one of those hiking trails, please reassure me that you have emergency plans and that someone can find you two! Sure thankful that you both made it! Those views are stunning! I especially love the one with the fox in the valley! Have a fabulous day and enjoy your week-end! Hugs, Karin

  17. It's so nice that you two get to travel like you do & have as much fun as you do & I'm glad you bring a lil part of it back w/ you to share w/ all of us! Thanks, Betsy - you're so sweet!

    hugs & blessings

  18. Oh Betsy, again we all enjoy your travels and photos. I do love the one with the fog lying in the vallies.

    And yes I do follow EileenMB's blog. MB

  19. I'm glad you didn't do your knee in on that hike! Yikes! That family that donated so much would be very disappointed I'm sure.

  20. Love those views! Especially love the foggy ones.

  21. When I stand in areas like that I marvel at the courage of the pioneers. Beautiful photographs.

  22. Betsy, all wonderful photos, but the second one from the window... well, it might be tough to have me move from that spot. It just seems to go on forever.

  23. Hi Betsy, Good to know about the need for that trail to be looked after. I want to go to that area this next spring or next summer. Beautiful pictures!
    Have a great day!

  24. Wonderful photos of a truly beautiful area. Thanks for sharing, Betsy.

  25. Wow! The shot of the foggy valley is fabulous!! Hope you get to see some fall colors today. Hopefully Vol Fan and I are going to head to the mountains this weekend to do the same. Safe travels, my friend!

  26. These are all spectacular photos, but the first two are my favorites. The first one almost looks like an echo would look if we could see it.

  27. Damn! Those are some nice views and a nice damn.
    Glad no one got hurt on the hike!!

  28. Especially love the first two pictures. Have fun on your upcoming trip. Diane

  29. Love the fog in the canyons in that one shot. All of the photos are beautiful.


  30. Beautiful - Majestic place to visit. I hope to get up there one day (maybe when I get that special person in my life). I know it is beautiful this time of year.

  31. Love the mountain ranges - you're living in a beautiful part of the world!

  32. My very favorite pictures are the two with the fog!! Very cool! You are scaring me with the with your other story, so I wil just hum a happy little song and block it out of my head for the day!!! I can't WAIT to see the Smokies in the fall!!!

  33. Fantastic views! That third picture is special for me. Love the mist cover in the picture.

  34. I love that shot of the fog among the hills...lovely! Like the dam shot, too. Beautiful area.

  35. Thanks, Betsy, for sharing photos of your travels. They are all beautiful, but I esp. like the views from the lodge restaurant. I would really be lingering over my meal with a view such as that!

    Have a great weekend!

  36. Love the pics of the mist below you!! I used to live in a condo overlooking a golf course and this would often happen. Very pretty.
    I'm just catching up from my family visiting!!

  37. A real treat Betsy, all pic are wonderful, but the misty one is fabadousy.

  38. Now you're giving me the itch to go to Kentucky! The misty pic and the last one of the falls are my favorites, but all of them are breath-taking! So glad you are able to travel more now!

    My son and his family just returned from Gatlinburg/Pigeon Forge, and they said SO many people were there!

  39. Thanks for another wonderful trip.

  40. Betsy: You visit such beautiful parts of our country.

  41. I love those pictures....makes me homesick. :)

  42. You were wise to stop when you worried about safety on that steep, rocky trail.
    Your photos are gorgeous. I love the scenes of the mountains with fog in the valleys.

  43. Be careful w/ that knee Betsy! That photo of the fog in the mountains was breathtaking....I can smell that fresh air from here! Like I always say, you always know the best places to visit!
    P.S. I'm taking a school break this semester and start back up in Jan. Still adjusting to my new job!

    Hugs to you,

  44. I love the third picture. The fog is marvelous.

  45. Your above the fog pic is terrific! Not many opportunities for that shot...good for you!

  46. Hahaha Betsy, does this waterfall included in the list? Did it make to the 426th? You really love falls ha! But those mountain views are really breathtaking, that i can just sit there the whole day and just look, be mesmerized and be happy. I can imagine how they look like comes Autumn! How i wish those glass windows are open, so some reflections will not show in the photo. But photo no.3 didn't show something from the glass! very beautiful, and i am the 48th commenter, how plenty your fans are!

  47. Hope you got to see some color today. I agree that you don't want to be in the smokies on any weekend in October. Everyday they show the traffic jams above Asheville on I-40,not for me !!!
    Have a blessed tomorrow

  48. That is some beautiful scenery Betsy. I love the clouds and the mountains ~ beautiful! I hope the sun came out for you today! :)

    xo Catherine

  49. Betsy, yours and George's love for the mountains shows vividly in your photos. How anyone can gaze on a mountain range and not believe in God truly stumps me.

  50. Those pics all wonderful!!
    i'm feeling just like travelling to Pine mountain state Park, kentucky... online together with you, Betsy...hehe..

    Oww.. what a lovely dinner with the beautiful view around...

    Thanks so much for the post, my friend!
    wish you the best,

  51. Too bad about the gap trail, it sounds like no maintenance has been done on it in a long time. The view of the narrows in gorgeous however.

    I love the photos with the fog down in the valleys, that's the way I remember the Smokies.

    Hope you and George found some color today.

  52. You and George always bring us to the most wonderful places that nature makes, Betsy. I always feel refreshed after visitng your blog. There are so mnay wonderful places in the USA ..we are so lucky to live here!

  53. Hi, just checking out some of the posts I missed while I was away. What a gorgeous place Pine Mountain State Park is! The views from the lodge restaurant are incredible, and I love that fog. :)

  54. hi betsy ..nice post.i loved the fog filled valley picture.even my blog has few pictures of hills and valleys from yosemite.check them at

  55. wow... the mountain with the fog is breathtaking, i love that photo. nice post.


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