Wednesday, August 18, 2010


"I interrupt this journey to bring you some late-breaking news!" Yesterday, while it was dark and rainy ( 1/2 inch--YEAH), we had some visitors to our deck.... Please forgive the blurry pictures... It's not your eyes... I think it was the photographer--but I'll blame it on the foggy/misty door I was photographing through, and the rain!!!! But I do have a story to tell today---so put on your seatbelts and ride along!!!! Above, a baby Robin hollers, "Where's my Daddy? I'm so hungry!".... Doesn't he look like he is starving to death?????? Let's see what happens!!!!

The Red-bellied Woodpecker stopped by and said NO to the baby Robin... He was too hungry himself to help.

The little Downy Woodpecker stopped by and he said NO to the little Robin... He wanted to feed his own face!!!!

Even the beautiful male Cardinal stopped by ---but he didn't want to help the baby Robin either.... He said that he had his own mouths to feed.

Daddy Robin says, "Hang on Little One.... I'm coming"...

"Oh, thanks Daddy... That is just so yummy."


Oh My Goodness..... What is that critter????? We knew that we had skunks in our area--because we sometimes see them at nights --or at least, SMELL them!!!!

Yesterday, this little beauty (in the middle of the day in the rain) decided to pay us a visit. I couldn't get his picture from inside ---so I tiptoed outside and got within about 5-6 feet of him before he even saw me... SO---I'm leaving you with a CLEAR picture ---not taken from inside the foggy/steamy window!!!!!

I'm also offering a GIVEAWAY --if you would like this beautiful critter.... I'll stick him in a box and put him in my private jet and send him straight to you... I know you will love him.... The first person to leave 15 comments on my blog today will win this giveaway... OH yes---you need to mention how wonderful my blog is (excluding the blurry pictures today) on your sidebar for the next 100 years. Isn't that a neat Giveaway???? I know you ALL will want Mr. Magoo, my pet skunk!!!!!

Think I'd better get back to the journey tomorrow. Enough of this hogwash.


  1. Funny post!! You must be feeling good

  2. Okay, I am one of the first 15 to post on your blog this morning, but I have moved and can't remember where I moved. Looks like you will have to hang on to Mr. Stinky there until I can find my address. Great pics of the birds, by the way,


  3. Well, I do love your beautiful blog and all, and thanks for the offer... Great pics even if they are a little blurry! Have a great day.

  4. What a STUNNING post, Betsy. I love animals: wild and others and of course birds. And now I've seen a close-up of a skunk. Poor lad, not wanted because of his BO! Thanks for sharing, Err, the giveaway: I'll leave my place open to some other person who would like to win! (((Hugs))) Jo

  5. Amazing how you knew what was exactly going on!!! My favorite bird in the whole world is the Cardinal!!! What a treat to see a picture of one!

    And a skunk? The last one I saw was on our front porch when I was growing up in Los Angeles.

    I just loved this little story, Betsy!

    Great way to start my day!

    Have a fabulous day!

  6. Good morning Betsy! I'm sitting here with a broad grin on my face caused by listening to your fascinating story of what the birds and skunk were saying! Riveting. Thanks for desiring to share the skunk with us but you know we could not deprive you of your personal pet! ☻

  7. Great post Betsy! Love the giveaway. :)

  8. Dad's are the same the world over. We know we have skunks as the dogs occasionally come home smelling like one, for which they are rewarded with a daily bath and banishment to the outdoors until the smell is gone. We only got about a quarter inch of rain - but better than none.

  9. You made me laugh at this one Betsy. Is it true that tomato juice will get rid of the smell of skunk? If I win this giveaway maybe I ought to invest in the tomato juice company, what do you think?

    I have a post for you today as I dedicated it to you.
    An English Girl Rambles

  10. when i saw your title, i thought NOT BESTY, she does not do giveaways or memes, so what is she thinking? i never want the giveaways, but I want to have this one. send him/her down. adorable and I DO LOVE YOUR STORY. really do,not just saying that to get the litle "sweet"heart. you know i love stories. and this one is awesome. i don't think anything, including tomato juice gets rid of the smell. we ran over one 50 years ago in KY and i can still smell it. ha ha

  11. What a funny post Betsy! Love the pic of daddy feeding baby. That's so cute.

    Sometimes we have those stinky skunks around our neighborhood too. Too bad they stink cause they really are cute. At least I think so.

  12. Thanks for a good morning laugh! I think I'll pass on on the gift. We got rain too, not sure how much but we sure needed it. Have a good day.

  13. Love the Red Robin story and picture of the feeding. Tweet!
    I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU WENT OUTSIDE TO TAKE THAT PICTURE OF THAT SKUNK!!! Have you lost your mind? HAHAHAHA. I am petrified of skunks.

  14. Too funny Betsy. I can't believe you would ever want to part with your dear pet PippiLaPew~~~my cousin once had a pet skunk de-scented that actually lived in her house. He was litter trained just like a cat. LOL...but I decline the give-away. You can keep your little ' pretty.' I would hate to see the sadness on your face at his departure.
    BlessYourHearts and Noses

  15. Ditto to what Jen said! I would never go outside and get near a skunk! If he had sprayed you, George would not have let you back in the house for a year!!! I was afraid to comment....afraid I might be the unlucky winner!!!!

  16. Hmmm.... I am thinking while s/he is awfully cute, you make keep him at your house Betsy! You are lucky he didn't lift his little tail in your direction! :)

    I'm glad you are enjoying your rain. We sure have had some crazy mixed up weather. I guess I am fortunate that the rain has been coming down steady rather then quick and hard so we really haven't had a flooding problem. There's always a bright side isn't there?

    Happy Day friend!
    xo Catherine

  17. Gee Betsy, your post really stinks! Haha! Just kidding!
    Love the bird pictures, especially dad and baby.
    I'll pass on your giveaway, we have a lot of 'country kitties' in our area!
    Thanks for the smiles :)
    ☼ Sunny

  18. That would make a good children's story,Betsy...except for the terrorizing part about sending the skunk..that would leave them with nightmares. ha

  19. Since you have already named the skunk, I know you are too attached to part with him!
    Sounds/looks like you all enjoyed the rainfall yesterday. What a show the birds put on for you and George!

  20. Oh no please I have my own skunks. Funny post Betsy. (smile) It is so neat to watch momma or daddy bird feed their young. It always gives me a good feeling like all is well - He is still in control. Have a nice day you and George. We will be having more rain. Stay dry.

  21. You are so darn silly...thanks for making me laugh.
    Why don't YOU get on your private jet and head on down for a few days; minus your new friend. :)

  22. I'll have him!! I'll expect him by special delivery!!!

  23. Giggles, so cute, and that skunk is really pretty, lol need some perfume today, eh? Hugs and blessings, Barbara Love your blog

  24. Well, your sweet-smelling story had my laughing and feeling better! (Had to take our grandangel to the airport early, early for her flight to meet dad in Toronto and then her drive home to PA. Did you know that goodbyes don't get easier with time?)

    With that private jet of yours, why don't you head up here for coffee sometime or a whole week-end of fun and waterfalling in the Rockies! I've got to get to work and don't have time to write 15 comments, so regretfully (NOT!) I'll have to pass on your stunning, amazing, absolutely generous give-away offer!!! How does George feel about the stinker, oops skunk?? Hugs to you!!

  25. We had a little family of skunks at our property. I say 'had' because we have a neighbor that shoots any and all critters that get into his garden!!

  26. What sweet pictures, you have the best variety of birds visiting you on the plateau !
    When I saw the skunk, I was worried. They are nocturnal creatures and he should have been safely tucked away in bed in the middle of the day. Sometimes they are rabid, if running around in daylight, lets hope he just didn't read the manual ;)
    I'll pass on your kind and generous offer of rehoming, I already have a pet....

  27. Wonderful illustrated story with an appropriately happy ending!

    Your giveaway reminds me of that commercial now running advertising new lenses as the woman calls the "kitty" into her house!

  28. Funny post Betsy, but the father feeding his baby is a priceless picture.

    We live in a no skunk zone so I have to beg off from your giveaway, but goo luck to veryone else!

  29. What a fun, fun post! The story you put together about little baby robin would be a great little kids book, don't ya think?

    Oh, and please keep Mr. Magoo with YOU...even tho I have never won a give-away, I'm sure I would win yours by mistake, LOL!! You made me laugh with the off-the-top rules of this give-away!

    Have a lovely, rainy day!

  30. It's always funny to see huge baby birds still demanding food from their parents.
    I like the skunk!

  31. Passing on the give away but admire your courage in getting such a great shot of Stinky.
    Shame something so darn cute is so lethal.
    Good luck to your winner and thanks for the giggle.

  32. Fun post! I've read quite a few serious ones so far this morn and needed a break.
    I liked the set-up of the story.

    As far as the skunk goes, you are one brave soul to venture outside for a photo. I would have stuck to getting a blurry one!

    Thanks for the chuckle.

  33. I must say you have a wild imagination. :)

    A friend of mine had racoon problems so he put a live trap out. Guess what he caught...a skunk.

  34. I'll take him,under one condition.You MUST accompany him over here. LOLLet me know when to put the kettle on for tea,I'll even have some fresh baked muffins ready.
    Blessings,Ruth ❤

  35. Umm, Betsy, I really think you should keep your little friend..the eat slugs and cut worms, you know. I really have plenty of my own and they would be jealous of a newcomer!

    Loved the story and pics.

  36. Umm, Betsy, I really think you should keep your little friend..the eat slugs and cut worms, you know. I really have plenty of my own and they would be jealous of a newcomer!

    Loved the story and pics.

  37. Well, you outdid yourself with this one, Betsy!! Love, love the pic of the daddy robin feeding the little one! And about the skunk . . . I would never have been brave enough to get that close! I'll pass on the giveaway; I live too close to the highway, and the little stinker would not last long!

  38. I enjoyed your phoggy photos; love the saga of the baby robin. Mr. Magoo is a good name for the skunk. I often see deceased ones on the highways, but none have visited the neighborhood, at least not yet.

    Glad you got some rain. We could use a bit over here.

  39. Hogwash is the best kind of wash today!!! Oh, Betsy, I have been laughing out LOUD. You really have a gift of an overgrown funny bone!! I'm loving the funny satire on blog giveaways!!! If I leave 50 more extra comments, will you let me fly back in the jet for a quick visit? You need to post more of your funny side!!! Oh, weren't you afraid of getting sprayed? Being so close and all. BUT I would have done the same thing, anything for a blog picture!! And he is so CUTE! Did he eat the bird seed? We have skunks here from time to time, you can smell them from inside the kitchen. Although sometimes it is just Phil's coffee instead (which some people call motor oil). Love the daddy feeding the baby, you snapped at just the right moment!

  40. I'm thinking little 'toddler' robin looks big enough to start finding his own food. :)
    Poor papa out in the rain with wet feathers.
    I can't believe you got so close to the skunk. I'm telling you no photographic opportunity would have me going outside with a skunk. But I'm so glad you were brave enough because it's a terrific shot.
    By the way, this will be my ONLY comment today. I'm sure there is someone way more deserving of your giveaway.
    Hope your day is filled with the kind of smiles you've given me today!

  41. Ok, now you're CRACKIN' ME UP!!! That was hilarious - I think Mr Magoo is doing just fine n dandy there in Tennessee, though! ROFLMBO!!!

  42. I am not even tempted Betsy! :) I was happy to find out that there are no known skunks living on Sanibel Island. While I lived in Indiana, I saw and smelled them on a regular basis. You are one brave lady. I'm not usually afraid of anything, but I wouldn't be anywhere near that skunk! :)

  43. Hi Betsy,
    I loved your post...and all your photos! :)

    Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment. Please drop by again!

    Have a great day!

  44. I can't believe you got all of that in pictures.....great!!!!
    Disregard this comment for the

  45. Nah, you can keep you 'give-away'. I do like the little fella though---but from a distance. LOL

    And I am glad Daddy Robin finally showed up. MB

  46. Very cute post Betsy! Sweet little story and great picture of the skunk! Diane

  47. Thank goodness you got some rain. We still have not had any. Into the 19th day of over 100 degrees. At least, the birds and skunks know a good home when they see it. I believe I will pass on your giveaway.

  48. Hope you don't mind if I pass up this Give-Away; maybe next time. Love the pics our feathered friends. Glad you received some rain. Thanks for sharing.

  49. Like Sandra, I said to myself that Betsy doesn't do giveaways...something is up.

    Love the post, it is so funny. I glad daddy robin finally got around to feeding the little one.

    I think I will pass on this giveaway but if the winner would like a second one I will see what I can do.

  50. That big bird feeding the lottle one is a nice capture!

  51. Funny, funny! We have just been totally covered with robins this year with nests in every tree in our yard. I've been watch the babies get fed all summer; so sweet. Now, as for the skunk...please DON'T count me in for your generous giveaway! :o)

  52. That's the best give-away I have ever seen, Betsy. You have a magnificent sense of humor, my friend.
    You give away plenty to your beautiful bird friends. Including any other unexpected creatures that happen to wander into your yard.

  53. HA HA HA! Thanks for the laugh, Betsy! Really great picture of the skunk, though. I really like the one of the dad and baby robin too. :D

  54. I paid a visit to your blog today hoping that I will see more of your birthday journey and what did I find? This is indeed cool. I didn't expect it but I wasn't disappointed too. I love the way you put the wordings for the birds. And I love the photo of the Daddy birdie feeling the baby birdie.. that is something I don't see everyday. And the skunk? What do you know? It's a bonus and lucky are those who will get the prize. hahahaha Love this post.

  55. LOL... thank you but no thanks!!! I loved your post and your pictures. This was really great. I have tried to get pictures of birds all summer long and only got one worth posting. You are amazing and must have an aesome camera.

  56. Hahaha... really love reading this post, Betsy!!
    I love to see daddy Robin feeding his son...
    great shot!!

  57. I am not in the first 15, nor even the first 50, but I think with the way Neal picks on you, you should mail it to him!

  58. Gee, Betsy, I hope my previous fourteen comments haven't been lost. This is no. 15! What else am I supposed to do? Put your "button" on my sidebar (do I have a sidebar?) for the next 100 years? Anyhow, if I win, please put the dear creature on your private jet and send him/her to me--we actually have a runway and hangar for your landing pleasure. Please let me know if I'm the winner.


  59. Betsy, what a hoot! I can't believe he came on your porch. Girl, you are brave to take his picture because I would have been running in the other direction. They can spray you at a distance, or so I thought! LOL!

    Pepe Le-Pew is cute, but I think he can stay in Tennessee. ;-)

    Just checking in from my blog break about mid way through. I've had all sorts of things going on, and I hope to be back to blogging by the first of September. That's the plan at this rate.

    Hope you're having a great end of summer...


    Sheila :-)

  60. Shuueeee!!!! we had one of those critters on our porch a couple years ago and one is definitely enough,I can still shut my eyes and smell that smell !!!!
    Ours was almost all white with only black spots,wonder what happen to the black with white streak on the back ???
    Blessing to you hope you don't get sprayed!!!!

  61. Oh my goodness!!! What a visitor! You can have it! The shots you take of your birds are great! I am impressed with your fine camera work. Stay dry and have a great tomorrow! I hope your striped visitor does not return.

  62. Hi Betsy!

    LOL! I don't think there will be any takers for your give away. That little skunk likes the birdseed on your porch too much to want to leave :)

    I loved the Daddy bird feeding baby bird photo! So sweet.

    To answer your question:there is no bridge to Govenors Island. Only way to get on the island is by boat.

  63. you are too funny betsy,

    i'll get right on those requests for your giveaway. although it may take me some time.
    we are getting rain here too and boy did we need it.
    happy august.

  64. This is a super-nice post Betsy. I'd love to get this giveaway :)

    Have a good day, Betsy!

  65. Too Funny! How did I miss this yesterday! You were very lucky to come away with a good picture and NOTHING ELSE! I see I am not the first responder, so I will breathe a sigh of relief!

  66. I did miss this yesterday. I'm not sure I would have gone outside for that picture....He could have left you with a lasting "aroma." I guess I should be thankful I only have squirrels and racoons to contend with.

    They really are so pretty and so cute, but I'm not sure I would like to have one as a daily visiter....such little stinkers!

  67. I love your new pet! I think I will pass on having him here though he is a cutie. I can just see Rusty, Kuma, Troubles or Whiskers making him raise that little tail and letting us have some of that cologne of his. LOL

  68. Oh my goodness, Betsy. I cannot even believe that you went outside with that skunk to take his picture!!! I hope you have a taker for your giveaway, because as much as I love your blog and your photos, I do not want to adopt your pet. LOL Cute photo, though!

  69. Betsy....So Sorry but this is one giveaway I'm going to pass on....Mr. Magoo sure is cute....but I will let someone else have this giveaway. God Bless Trish

  70. ha-ha! I'll be careful not to leave 15 comments! Mr. Magoo looks cute, but I imagine he sometimes smells pretty bad.
    I'm so glad baby robin's daddy finally showed up with some food.

  71. great funny post loved the bird adventure. If I would win the giveway, I'd pass it on to my enemy. Rose

  72. Betsy, what a fun post. The poor baby robin was been ignored. Cool sighting of the skunk though I would not want it in my yard or on my deck. I have not joined in on giveaways and REALLY sorry I do not feel the urge to join in on this one either.

  73. hmmm, very tempting on your awesome giveaway, but due to the fact that I'm trying to "simplify" I'm afraid I will have to pass, this time.

  74. If Mr. Magoo would like a playmate, I think I could provide one! I hate when they visit my house and always worry that the cats will disturb one. I can smell their presence sometimes, but haven't seen too many this year. One year we had one that was almost all white and one that was all black!


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