Friday, June 25, 2010

Our 2010 Lilies --Part II

So far, this Summer, I have showed you 8 of the Lilies blooming in our yard. Today, I am sharing 6 more for you, beginning with AFRICAN QUEEN --pictured above. (To see all of our 2010 Lilies, you can go to the LABELS on my sidebar and click on LILIES 2010.)

BLACK BEAUTY (Pretty color, don't you think?)




TOUCHING (one of my favorite new Lilies this year)

Several of you have asked about my knee--and I will tell you that it's been 3 weeks since surgery and I am beginning to feel better. My knee is actually doing better than my stomach. The pain medications did a 'number' on my tummy ---and even though I am OFF of most of those medications, my stomach is still not back to normal. BUT--since I try to stay positive, let me just say that I'm BETTER --and just need to stay patient. Thanks for asking.

Have a nice weekend... I'll be back on Monday morning.



  1. Beautiful lilies Betsy. 'Touching' is really a lovely combination of colors. Glad to hear your knee is improving and I hope your stomach gets settled soon. You and George have a nice weekend.

  2. Yes, i love the last one.. Touching! beautiful pictures you captured..
    have a nice weekend!

  3. Beautiful photos Betsy. I also like the way you framed them. Takes a little time to do that. No dancing til your knee is a least at 50% LOL

  4. I love Touching! I'm glad you're doing better, these things take time.

  5. Ooooh, black beauty would be my favorite!

    Glad to hear your knee is doing better. Hope your tummy follows suit very soon.

    Have a great weekend!

  6. So glad you are feeling better Betsy ~ those medications can be harsh.

    Lovely flowers as always.

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  7. Beautiful Betsy! Why is that one called Black Beauty when there's no black on it?

  8. Gorgeous lilies.The Pink Lemonade really does look like its namesake. I hope you will have a fantastic weekend.

  9. Hard to choose a favorite Betsy!

    Thanks for the update on your knee. Hang in there. Hopefully your tummy will get back to normal soon.

    Ya'll have a good weekend and stay cool.

  10. Such bright, vivid, cheery colors! They are all so pretty, Betsy. Hope you have a nice weekend and that you feel all the way well soon.

  11. I like your green/gold combo today and all the names of all those pretty flowers I totaly get, all but the black beauty, can't figure why they would name a beautiful flower like that with a name like black.

  12. Hello Betsy, so pleased to know you are feeling better. Patience and exercising that knee will have you hiking in no time. ;) And look at those beautiful flowers and photos... such joy.

  13. Love the lilies Betsy. I like the way you named each one with the pic.
    Looks like I'm headed down the same road that you just traveled.

  14. So, so pretty! While lillies don't do too well back here in our woods, wild daylillies seemed to grow pretty well, so I have them planted around the edges of our woods. The last couple of years, however, I have gotten lots of green leaves but hardly any disappointing. So, that is one of the reasons I really enjoy seeing all your beautifully colored ones.

    Have a great weekend!

  15. Lovely Lilies, Betsy. My red one is called Partner. They sure add a lot of color don't they.

    Glad the Knee is improving. Patience is so hard sometimes. MB

  16. So good to hear there is improvement - however slow the progress may be - at least it is not getting worse. Praying for complete healing for you!!

    Love your dazzling lilies! Wow!! The variety just blows me away!

    When I had stomach issues from those harsh meds I drank a lot of Camomile tea, which truly helped me. Just wanted to pass that on!

  17. I never knew there were so many different kinds of lilies still I started following your blog. I'm glad you are better, but please get all the way well soon!

  18. I heart the black beauty.
    I am glad you are feeling better, and of course your positive attitude always makes me smile.
    Hugs to you both. Have a great weekend, Suz

  19. Sorry the meds messed with your tummy. Have you tried eating yogart. Sometimes that helps.

    Beautiful lilies.
    ♥ Joy

  20. Oh Betsy they are so beautiful, I had the reds ones when I lived in Florida, but they have not bloomed here in Georgia, the green thrives but they never bloom, so sad, I loved them I had my driveway lined with them, such beauties, hugs

  21. Knee surgery is not a good thing to have and it does take a long time to heal. Patience is not one of my best things, so I hope I can keep going. I have had more than enough with my foot. When you feel down, go outside and sit among your lovely flower garden. Hang in there.

  22. Good morning, Betsy. They are all beautiful but the last one is my favorite. I just got a new lily and will get some photos soon.

  23. They are so gorgeous, Betsy. I wish I had smell-a-vision on my computer.

  24. Betsy: I thought the first batch of lilies was neat but you are in a photographers paradise.

  25. Just gorgeous! You are doing a great job with that camera!

  26. Your photos are so super, I wish I could take pictures of flowers like that. I think I would need a different camera.
    I adore lilies too and grow many of them in containers, in fact my blog photo shows me and a Tom Pouce lily.

  27. I love your lilies, Betsy. Lilies are such nice plants and so showy. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Diane

  28. Lovely Lilies, the Red Twinkle is gorgeous.
    Hope you have a pleasant weekend, and I'm glad your knee is feeling better.
    ☼ Sunny

  29. Hello Betsy,

    Lovely lovely post indeed, each lily is simply wonderful. Enjoy a beautiful weekend.



  30. One Pink Lemonade for me, please!!! Try yogurt and pro biotics, they have good bacteria for your tummy and will soothe it and replace the good stuff in it. I'm am so sorry it's taken you so long to recover. I'm thinking that's because the meniscus was torn on both sides. My recovery was very quick, but I just had one side torn.

  31. I love black beauty, touching and pink lemonade!!! The colors are stunning.

    I am glad that your knew started to get better but sorry about the medications did to your stomach! I think it's the chemical content of the medicines that upset your stomachs. I've been on that situation before! Hope it'll get better soon too!

    Have a great weekend!


  32. vibrant, beautiful images.
    the first one is my favorite!

    Have a great week-end!

  33. Just beautiful photos Betsy. No favorite, love them all.

    So glad you are improving but sorry about the tummy.
    I guess if there is a good thing here it is that you had the operation during all this heat when it would be too hot to be hiking to waterfalls anyway.

    Glass half full signing off.
    Have a good weekend

  34. That "Pink Lemonaid" Lilly is beautiful as are the rest of the ones you have shown so far. I hope you are able to be comfortable and heal up really soon!

  35. I love the one called "touching"...just gorgeous photos, Betsy.
    I know what you mean about the pain meds. and your stomach and intestines...I hate taking any pain meds. because of that, but what is one to do? You need relief of the pain sometimes and have to resort to taking some of them.

    Such wonderful macros Betsy.
    I bet you take your photos in the morning light.

    Glad to hear you are better. The meds are hard on the tummy but it too will pass. I'd rather have tummy upset than knee pain. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend filled with JOY!

  37. These lilies are all so beautiful. I don't think I could pick a favorite. Glad your knee is doing better, and hope the stomach problems resolve now that you're off the meds.

  38. Your garden must be amazing! Hope your health improves quickly so you can continue gardening and keep those bird feeders full. Love your blog.

  39. I am happy that you are feeling better. None of that surgery stuff is ever as easy as they want to make it sound. A good attitude is probably your best defense and it sounds like you are going to be just fine. I certainly hope so. You are a lovely lady.

  40. I was thinking about you and your knee when I clicked on the link to your blog. Glad to hear it is healing and the pain has lessened. Hopefully your tummy will recover soon.

    The lilies are gorgeous Betsy, I love Red Twinkle.

  41. Goodness, Betsy, I am sorry to hear about your stomach! Those pain killers can be brutal. Glad the knee is better though! Yeah!

    My fav of your lilies here are Pink Lemonade (of course) and Red Twinkle! I think a good nickname for you would be Red Twinkle!!! You are so fun and twinkly (or sparkly)!!! :)

    Keep doing better, Sparkly Girl!!!

  42. Thank you so much for commenting on my posts while I was away and unable to visit you. Your lilies and roses are so beautiful. Your garden is like a botanical park. Hope tummy soon catches up to knee in the getting better race.

  43. Red twinkle is my favourite hands down!!
    I'm glad you're feeling a little better, too bad about your tummy, that's so nasty what those drugs do to you.

  44. Betsy,

    Your flowers are all so beautiful!
    What a wonderful world you live in! :)


  45. I am so glad you give updates about yourself...I always wonder but don't want to make a pest of myself.

    BTW, your lilies are absolutely beautiful!

  46. I thing all of these are outstandingly beautiful Betsy. Trish

  47. Another Flower Power Post Betsy, glad your knee is on the mend, acid pills may be the answer for your tummy.

  48. Fantastic Betsy! I don't think I would ever leave your garden if it was my garden :)

    An English Girl Rambles

  49. No doubt about it this time . . . pink lemonade is my favorite!! And is very fitting for this scorching weather!

    I'm glad you are improving and hope your stomach recovers completely soon! I said a prayer for you this morning.

  50. Oh, Betsy, the lilies are spectacular. Do take good care of that knee, glad it is better ... those meds can really tear up a tummy.

    Have a lovely summer's eve ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  51. Hi, Betsy, Your lilies are just delightful! I like seeing your Trebbiano and Pink Lemonade next to each other, they seem to complement each other. Glad to hear your knee is doing better and hoping your stomach will improve quickly. Take care. :)

  52. Oh!! Your lilies are magnificent!!! Hope you are feeling well again soon!

  53. Hello, Betsy! I come to you via Betsy of My Five Men! Your day lilies are absolutley stunning! I have just a few of the small golden yellow ones....they make a show once then the thick shade of the oaks slows them down. Beautiful blog!

  54. They are beautiful. I only have one variety of lily in my yard. I am always wanting to get more but haven't really found of source I like I guess.

  55. hi betsy,
    i'm glad your knee is recovering. will
    pray for your stomach.

    the lilies are glorious!!!

  56. Betsy, your lilies are all so pretty. They are so many different colors and names. I wish i had more room in my yard to plant some of these lovley lilies. I hope you are feeling better now. Have a great week.

  57. If I live near your area, you will spot me and chase me away because I will be secretly taking photos of your lilies.

    You are fantastic.


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