Friday, June 4, 2010

2010 Roses---Part III

Here's SIX more of our 2010 Roses in our yard. In order to see the other 12 I have published so far, go to the LABELS on my sidebar, scroll down to ROSES 2010 and click there. We have 55 different varieties ---and today's pictures make a total of 18 of them so far. Above is a pretty light pinkish/peachish one named SONIA. Below are more!

This one is pretty with its light and dark yellow colors. Its name is SOUTHERN BELL, and this one is one of our new roses in 2010.

This pretty hot pink rose is named ELIZABETH TAYLOR.

This yellow beauty is pretty with its pink edges. Its name is BELLA'ROMA.

I love the vivid colors in this rose. This one is named PERFECT MOMENT.

This beautiful Tennessee Orange colored rose is named STRIKE IT RICH.

The knee surgery went fine yesterday---so hopefully, the pain will all disappear.. I'll let you know AFTER I get off of the pain medication next week. Right now---I'm pretty 'woozy'.... Ha!!! I'll take the weekend off --and will blog again on Monday morning.

Have a wonderful weekend, and thanks again for all of the kind words and prayers sent my way recently.



  1. Beautiful roses, I of course love the Southern Bell. Glad the surgery went well. Take it easy on those meds. I am going to have my elbows checked this morning...severe tendonitis, surgery may be ahead for me as well..sigh

  2. So very glad to hear that your surgery turned out well. I hope that your pain is gone by next week, never to return! Take it easy this weekend,


  3. You get some rest, we'll all be thinking about you and waiting to hear how you are feeling.

  4. I hope you don't have to use a lot of insect spray to keep the aphids off?

    I used to use soap but can't remember the name of it.

    Now I only got one rose. An afterthought I am trying to give away to the first person who wants it. It is a red knock out rose. The aphids don't even like it.

  5. Betsy, I'm so glad your surgery went well. I'll continue to pray that you have a full recovery. Hope you will soon be walking in your beautiful yard. LOVE the roses!!I like the Perfect Moment best!

  6. Amazing roses! I love the colors of the Bella'roma.
    Have a restful weekend, I'm glad your surgery went well.
    ☼ Sunny

  7. Oh beautiful roses, Betsy. I love Strike it rich. You rest up this weekend and enjoy those lovely blooms in your garden. Blessings and peace to you, my friend. Jo

  8. Betsy,I love these rose posts,it's like walking trough a rose garden,minus the fragrance.Thanks for sharing your roses with me.
    I hope the weekend will be wonderful.Take it easy and rest that knee.
    Hugs and Prayers,Ruth

  9. I couldn't pick a favorite one this time. They just got prettier and prettier.

    Glad to hear the surgery is past and a success. Hope you enjoy a restful weekend and get better each day.

  10. So glad the surgery went well Betsy! I hope you get lots of rest and relaxation and I know your George is going to take such good care of you all weekend ~ let him spoil you ~ you deserve it! :) (We are indeed lucky girls to be married to such wonderful husbands!)

    Take care friend,
    xo Catherine

  11. A person would be hard pressed to find roses this beautiful in a flower shop. Stunning!
    WHAT A BLESSING that you were able to get your knee looked at and surgery done so quickly.
    I know you have a good nurse there at home to look after you. :)

  12. Just looking at all those beautiful roses ought to make you feel better.

    Glad the surgery went well. Hope you have a speedy recovery.

  13. Strike it rich is my favourite. We had a very similar rose but it didn't make it through the winter. Too cold..

    I hope the pain has stayed away!!!

  14. Just absolutely beautiful.
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  15. be darned if elizabeth taylor doesn't look JUST like Liz... they are all really beautiuful

  16. So glad you are done with the knee surgery let George take care of YOU while you recover.
    I love the Perfect Moment reminds me of my "busy bee" rose. :)

  17. I love Southern is a real beauty. But then, so are the others.

  18. Exquisite photos of these gorgeous flowers! I can't pick a favorite!

  19. Betsy, be sure and do what the doctor orders, but no grass cutting yet. :) So happy to know all went well and that you are on the road to recovery.

    P.S. all beautiful roses, but Bella'Roma sort of reached out and grabbed me.

  20. The roses are so gorgeous, I'm sure they help you heal.

    Take care Betsy.

  21. hey Betsy, I'm in love with your flowers, they're all amazing and wonderful.

    I am grateful that your surgery went fine. Have a great weekend and take care.

  22. Your roses are so lovely. 'Perfect Moment' is just that.
    Have a good weekend and recuperate well. MB

  23. So glad your surgery is behind you. Get better fast! I love you roses. How do you keep them safe from the bug world? HEIDI

  24. I'm glad to hear that surgery went well. I hope that you heal fast and can get around without the knee pain. Your roses are beautiful. Have a good weekend!

  25. Blessings on your recovery, Betsy. Beautiful roses. Although I favor the delicate pink each one is so beautiful on its own. Diane

  26. Good news on the knee Betsy. Soon you'll be chasing George around the yard playing 'catch me if you can'. 55 rose varieties. Wow didn't know you had that many. Each one I say is my favorite but the photo is better than the ones before it. Bella'Roma or Perfect Moment will be my favs today. Stunning. Have a good weekend and don't go joining any races today.

  27. Sonja and Southern Belle are my favorites, but Bella Roma is definitly the best picture, with the little curl on it and the way the light is hitting it! I'm betting you are finally getting some good sleep now, hope you have a restful and pain free weekend.

  28. They are all so beautiful but "Strike is Rich" is amazing! What talent you must have! So how is the knee? Better I hope!

  29. Betsy: Your roses are wonderful. I'm so glad the surgery went well. Let's hope the knee is ready for the waterfall walks.

  30. Thats good news about your glad it is over and that it went well. Lovely roses. God Bless Trish

  31. I wish I had the 1/4 of the Roses you do Betsy! All gorgeous! Glad to hear the knee surgery went well. Will you have to have physical therapy? Take good care and rest up!!

  32. So glad you're surgery went well and hope your recovery is swift and complete!

    Your roses and your yard deserve to win some kind of prize or award! I love the Perfect Moment . . . very appropriately named, too!

    Have a restful weekend!

  33. Betsy: I love looking at your roses. We are "accidental" rose gardeners. I think the fact that they grow well here is in our favor. We cut them frequently and bring them in to enjoy on our table.

    We, too, love traditional pizza with MEAT!! I just didn't have any on hand in the refrigerator!!

    Have a rosy weekend.


  34. P.S. Glad that the knee surgery is behind you and went well. Hope your recovery is swift and that you feel well enough to enjoy being an invalid.


  35. For the life of me, I can't pick favorites! They are all so perfectly formed and so healthy - thanks, no doubt, to all the TLC provided by George! I know that he will take great care of you, too, after your successful knee surgery!! Hope you have an excellent week-end getting well!! Bless you!

  36. Perfect Moment is just glorious, being English I am a big rose fan of course.

    Wishing you a great and pain free weekend Betsy x

  37. Simply heaven ....
    How could one choose a favorite ?
    I would love them all.
    Hope you are feeling comfortable after your surgery, Rest, Rest and more rest !!

  38. The roses are beautiful. I'm sure George will bring some in for you to enjoy while you're recovering.
    Hope the recovery goes well so you can be back to your old tricks next week.

  39. Betsy, I am so glad your surgery went well. I know you'll be on your feet in no time at all and pain free. I really like your roses! Beautiful garden and lovely blog.

  40. Hugs Betsy, and glad your surgery went good, your roses are just so very beautiful, my mom loved the peach ones, when mine would bloom she always wanted me to pick her one, thank you for sharing yours.
    Hugs your friend, Barbara

  41. You no doubt must have the largest, most beautiful rose garden around. These just about blew me away. Gorgeous.

  42. So glad to hear you had your knee taken care of and hope that you get total relief from the surgery. All your roses are just beautiful. Hope your weekend and the future is totally pain free.

  43. Thanks for sharing more of your beautiful roses, Betsy! So glad your knee surgery went well. I know George will take good care of you. Have a good weekend. :)

  44. I love your Elizabeth Taylor, I don't mean the Hollywood one, I mean your garden one, She is the most beautiful.

    Just concentrate on your lovely roses, your recovery will be faster.

  45. I love the color of Southern Bell, Betsy! So pretty. I'm glad to hear the surgery went well. I hope you heal up quickly and are soon pain free again. Enjoy your weekend! :)

  46. They are the prettiest roses I have ever seen, Betsy. Your new camera and lens take amazing close ups They are so crisp and clear.

    I'm happy all went well with your surgery and that you will soon be pain free and back on you feet again.
    Still keeping the faith on this end ;) be well, my friend!

  47. What?
    Knee surgery?
    I saw something about your not being able to get around outside too well, but I didn't know why. I must have missed that update.
    I'm glad it's finished and you can start healing now!

    Ain't woozy kinda fun? :-P

  48. Oh yes....the roses are almost too perfect to be real!

  49. Hope you have a relaxing,painfree weekend. Blessings Marilyn

  50. So glad to hear the surgery went well and you are on the mend.

    Praying it will be quick and complete and you will be back to hiking and sharing those gorgeous waterfalls with us!

    I love the roses and irises and birds too though!!

    Enjoy hubbies attentions this weekend!!

  51. All the roses are lovely. You must be well organised to know/keep all the names and remember which is which. Hope the op is a success.

  52. Bless you, Betsy! My favorite is the Perfect Moment - what a beauty! Heal quickly - rose fragrance is great therapy ;)

  53. Betsy, love your roses! I will have to check some out to see if I can grow them here.
    sending healing thoughts your way--here's to a speedy recovery!

  54. Checking in to see how things are going. Your roses are just fantastic! and the fact that you know all their names... awesome!

  55. Betsy,
    I hope your knee heals well and you have a restful weekend. Wow! What magnificent photos of the roses. They are so beautiful. I love roses.

  56. Love the Strike it Rich rose! Hope the pain stays away and you start feeling a lot better. Have a nice weekend!

  57. I would love to have one of each of these roses blooming in my garden! I tried to pick a favorite but couldn't, they all would be! Hope you are resting comfortably and are back on your feet soon. Best wishes!

  58. Hope it is a good woozy and not a bad one!!! Take care!

  59. I'm so happy to hear that your surgery went well, Betsy. Don't overdo and take your meds as needed -- it's the RN in me telling you that :-)

    Your roses are so beautiful -- I love the "Perfect Moment" rose!

    ♥ Pat

  60. You and George have some of the most beautiful roses I have ever seen. I can't decide if I like Bella'roma or Perfect Moment the best. I just like them all.


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