Friday, October 23, 2009

Soco Mountain, NC

Again, I ask you to read previous blogs this week --in order to understand this one!!!!

We four gals got out-and-about all day. We drove up Soco Mountain, drove around on some mountain roads and took pictures of the beautiful mountains, and then drove into Cherokee. Today I will show you a few of our pictures which we took yesterday. Above is a picture of the beautiful mountains ---taken near Soco Gap near the Blue Ridge Parkway. Below are more!

Our cabin is located up on this mountain... Can you see it?????

Some nice man was kind enough to take pictures of the four of us --while we were shopping at a little gift shop on Soco Mtn. Road. From left to right: Reida, Susan, me and Nita.

We stopped at a Backyard Burger for a light lunch. I snapped this picture of Reida and Susan while we were there.

Reida took this picture of me and Nita at Backyard Burger.

One last picture of the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina (taken between Maggie Valley and Cherokee).

We got back to Maggie Valley and had a wonderful Fresh Trout dinner at J. Arthur's Restaurant... More pictures to come!!!! We had a wonderful day.



  1. Sounds like a lovely day Betsy! Those colors and mountains are just gorgeous! Hope ya'll continue to enjoy yourselves.

  2. These posts make me smile.You gals look so refreshed and happy.Just what the doctor ordered.

  3. Gorgeous fall colors and a wonderful time for you girls to get together.

  4. What great pictures - of the beautiful girlfriends and the beautiful mountains. You arrived just in time for great autumn colors!

  5. What wonderful pictures. I hope that we get up to the parkway but on the other end near Meadows of Dan. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Awww Betsy, looks like you girls are having so much fun !
    The mountains look breathtakingly beautiful, are the leaves at their peak or still more color to come ?
    Mountains, friends, and food, what more could one ask ?
    Enjoy yourselves !!

  7. Wow, what amazing scenery. I think I need a vacation!
    Have fun!
    Sunny :)

  8. the last photo is spectacular, Betsy! i'm lovin' all your posts about this trip.

  9. fab views. great location for the cabin!

  10. Glad ypu are having a good time. The mountains are so beautiful, just like a picture book. Wish I was with you.

  11. I didn't know such stunning places existed!! I have never seen scenery like this I swear!!!

    I am away now for the weekend, our sons 30th so no more blogs for me till Monday. Keep on having the time of your life!!

  12. Betsy!! You are having the time of your life!! I'm happy you and the girls are enjoying yourselves so much. It's a wonderful life, isn't it? LOVE THE MOUNTAINS....keep those gorgeous pics coming!! Love, your Big Stone Gap buddy.

  13. Hard to tell which is more inspiring, the ladies or the mountains! well, they are both beautiful.. love girl time!

  14. Thanks for the early morning grin...what a happy group of beautiful ladies...

  15. what a wonderful time you all are having. The photos are beautiful! If you have time you must drive over to Dillsboro and eat at the Dillsboro House. Beautiful old home with big front porch and rockers. You don't order your meal. You go to your table, tell them what you want to drink and then they bring bowls of veggies, meats, breads to the table and you fill your own plate. They keep the bowls full as long as you eat and then bring dessert. Its like eating at grandmas. Good country fresh country food. There are also nice shops along the river there to enjoy

  16. Seeing your cabin makes one wonder how anyone finds it. Talk about remote. So glad you ladies managed to get out of your jammies and toured such a beautiful place.

  17. I can almost smell the fresh mountain air!! Beautiful scenery and ya'll look like you are enjoying this trip very much...mmmmm wonder what the ole' George has been up too?

  18. Betsy,
    Sure looks like everyone is having a nice trip in your wonderful photos!! Wow some gorgeous shots and oh how nice those colors are..these are definitly "post card" shots!

    I'm so glad you all were able to get together and enjoy each other's company..what a nice treat!

  19. Thankyou for taking me on this trip. I am enjoying it :-)
    And I see you are also!

    Tell you friends Hello and I hope all of you have a safe return trip.
    All of you will be in my prayers.

  20. Betsy: hope you are having a great time. The hills are alive with color.

  21. I can't even imagine how special it is to be with these childhood friends Betsy. You are so fortunate that all of you kept in touch over the years. Have a beautiful weekend ahead.

  22. Just beautiful...the scenery and the ladies. Enjoy Betsy!!

  23. I love the Maggie Valley area. I can remember my mom having a picture hanging on the wall(taken from a magazine) of two old men sitting on a hill way above the valley.

  24. You all are having so much fun! YeeeeeHaaaaaaw!

  25. Oh what fun you guys must be having. Looks like you may be in for a rainy weekend. But I'm sure there is still a lot to talk about.

  26. Another beautiful spot to visit. Don't you love sampling restaurants in different places.

  27. Gorgeous colors up there this time of year! What a great place to spend some free time! :-)

  28. Hi there, Betsy! I love the gorgeous shots of the mountains--they are amazing. But even more, I love the shots of the four of you. What a beautiful thing it is to witness the love between long-time friends---thanks so much for sharing your good times with us. I can see you four ladies are having a blast!

  29. That is my favorite part of North Carolina, and we go several times a year. In fact, friends of the family own Maggie Mountaineer Crafts. I love everything about the area, Maggie Valley and Cherokee both, Soco Road is a beautiful drive. And who can resist breakfast at Joey's, I would stand in line an hour for those pancakes!!! I grew up as a little girl going to Cherokee every year, my parents have a place they still stay at over in Dillsboro. And, if that's the Backyard Burger in the gas station across from Harrah's Cherokee, I've walked over from the casino many times to eat there! LOVE the photos! Those of us who are just a few hours away from there are lucky indeed!

  30. such a lovely day to be with friends! and the view of the mountain is simply spectacular!

    now, you made me want to have pancakes, too!

    have a lovely weekend!


  31. Betsy, I have just been catching up on your getaway...sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Sure is beautiful there!

  32. You 'ALL' look like one Happy Crew...
    Glad you had such a Wonderful weather for your enjoyment...With the Mts. as your backdrop, how could you ever go wrong...

    The Blue Ridge Parkway is so lovely in the Autumn with views forever...

    Great Pics Betsy...

  33. Hillsides full of color and good friends to share it with...doesn't get better!

  34. Those mountains are absolutely breathtaking!! And you ladies look so happy! Nice trip!

  35. Did you see Ela Campground. That is where we use to camp when I was a kid. It's between Bryson City and Cherokee..

    Looks like a great time for you all.


  36. Gorgeous views, Betsy! I love the mountains. :)

  37. Oh how beautiful! I just love the colors of fall. It looks like you had a magnificant time! Love and Light, Nina P

  38. we have yet to go, but i hope we find time this season before it gets too cold!!~~~sir george and you got your flu shots yet, ms. betsy?

  39. Very joyful camaraderie and very colourful mountains. I have never seen a colourful mountain like that here. It's all Eucalyptus trees and they don't change foliage in autumn time. Breathtakingly beautiful!

  40. The four of you look so wonderful, getting together is good for all. Everyone looks so happy.
    Soco Gap is a gorgeous place, the scenery is spectacular.


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