Thursday, April 16, 2009

Headin' to TEXAS to Hug some Grandchildren

George and I are 'hitting the road' again. This time we are going to Texas to see my middle son and his adorable family.. My two Texas granddaughters both play softball---and do it well... I have yet to get to see them play, so we hope to see some games this weekend . We're headed down there today and will be back home on Tuesday night, the 21st. We won't be near the computer, so I won't post any blogs or leave comments until we get back home.

However, my son called today saying that the Houston area is supposed to get RAIN this weekend. Just our luck!!!!!! SO--we may or may not get to see them play softball. Oh Well!!!! We're going anyhow---and will enjoy just getting to see them.

My granddaughters are growing up so fast. The older one is 15 and the younger one is 12... Mercy Me... This Grammy will be going to a high school graduation before too many years! The girls are pictured above. This picture was taken at Christmas. Aren't they just beautiful???? Of course, Grandmothers are prejudiced. (If you recently read my post about taking the grandgirls to Stone Door, well--these are the same two girls... Gee--how they've grown up in 3 yrs.) Below are a couple more pictures.

This is the older grand---and her high school softball team. In the top picture, she is in the middle on the first row--- you know---the pretty one!! Be sure and enlarge this picture!

This is the younger grand, after a tournament last summer. Isn't she a cutie???? I can't wait to see the entire family.

I hope all of you have a wonderful week/weekend. I'll miss you ---and will catch up with your blogs when we get home.

Love and Bunches of Hugs,


  1. They all look like a fine group of children and I am sure whether it rains or snows or suns, you will have a wonderful time!

    I will miss you too and will look forward to seeing you back with all your exciting stories!

    Hugs to you both♥

  2. Hope you all have a safe and joyful trip Betsy, and hope the rain holds off!

  3. Hi Betsy, Have a wonderful trip. Big hug.

  4. Have a safe and fun trip, and enjoy that beautiful family!


  5. Oh I hope the rains hold off. Grandchildren love to show off for their grandparents. Parents see them all the time but grandparents---that is special.
    Obviously good genes in your family, real cuties.
    Enjoy your weekend and take pictures.

  6. I do hope your trip is safe and you get lots of HUGS!

  7. Have a great trip, and I hope you see some games. My GDD's first high school varsity softball game for me will be the 29th, the earlier games are "away" at other towns ... far away! Safe travels and hugs to the girls!

  8. Be safe and have a great time!

  9. You do have beautiful granddaughters.Enjoy your time with them and go ahead,spoil them as much as possible.Isn't that what Grandmas are supposed to do?

  10. It's wonderful when kids are involved in sports. They learn so much about working as a team and playing fair.

    Have a wonderful time in Texas, rain or shine.

  11. Your granddaughters are lovely girls, Betsy. I know you will have a wonderful time down in Texas. Safe travels to you and George!

  12. Have a safe trip and enjoy those lovely grandchildren.

  13. Betsy: Just being near the granchildren will be great. There are some gret places for photography in the Houston area.

  14. Have a great trip and get LOTS of hugs..Grandkids hugs are so sweet.

    love , Deena
    who is waiting on Hummers too)

  15. I hope you get to see them play!!!! Be careful and we can't wait to hear how your trip was!!!

  16. Oh but they are both cuties!! Love that they play softball (I played up until 5 years ago on different leagues - softball has a soft spot in my heart!) Have a safe and wonderful trip!

  17. The girls ar beauties. Hope the showers hold off so you can get to the game. Enjoy!!

  18. Even if you are biased, you are right. They are beautiful!! Have a wonderful trip!

  19. have a wonderful time with your family. i hope you do get to see those grands playing softball.
    anyway you should get to have lots of hugs.

  20. Have a super time, and we'll expect a full report when you get back! ;-)

  21. Have fun ... I KNOW you will. Your grand daughters ARE very cute ... not just your prejudice.

  22. Travel safe and have a great time with your family!

  23. I know you'll love every minute of it, rain or shine.

  24. What beautiful grandchildren! I know you will havie a blast! Have a safe trip!

  25. Have fun with those grands. And have a great trip. Are you driving?

  26. Great Great Great photos Betsy! You guys have lots & lots of fun & be careful too!! GOD Bless!

  27. Hi Betsy,

    Yes, your granddaughters are really pretty. I know they will be just as glad to see you as you will be to see them.

    I hope you have a safe and fun trip.

    Thanks for visiting me and posting well wishes for Ed. Please continue to remember him in your prayers.

  28. Oh Betsy, they are gorgeous girls - taking after grandma! Have a great safe trip! Your being away will let me catch up on all your blog posts that I missed while I was away.


  29. Have a great trip! I know you'll enjoy spending time with your family!


  30. Darling Grands!!! Have a safe and fun trip!

  31. Wishing you the best of times. Have a good visit....m...

  32. You will probably have a zillion comments to read when you get back. Mostly saying what a beautiful pair of Texas Grand-daughters. My Grand daughter, Kylee is also 15 and I have a grand son 18 and 2 littler one (boy) 9 & 10. busy Busy. I just had them here for the whole week of spring break. And I'm not crazy---YET. Hope you had a good visit. MB

  33. I'm going to have to start calling you gypsy! You're always on the go. Enjoy your gc! And TX!!

  34. I hope you are close to being there as I type this and hope you had a good trip...Ill talk to you when you get home..

    BTW, yes, I am planning on keeping Lorelei when our daughter goes back to work.

  35. Have fun & be safe.

    If we get into a drought again.... all I have to do is have you come for a huh!lol

  36. Betsy - I see you beaming over there. Those two girls are so pretty. There is nothing else in the world so special as the grandchildren. I know you will have a fabulous time even if it is raining. Looking forward to a full report next week.

  37. Sounds like a fun visit. Don't worry about the weather ... you can't change it anyhow even if you do. Plus, so many good memories I have are during cloudy and rainy days.

  38. From this post here, I can tell that you will have a great time in Houston. I sure hope so :). Lovely granddaughters and so talented! Have a nice weekend, Betsy. Hugs from Indonesia.

  39. Beautiful girls! I'm sure you will all have a wonderful time. Enjoy!

  40. I know you will be having a great time. I possibly will have a new grandbaby by the time you are back home.

    Leedra’s Photos For FunLeedra’s Greeting CardsPhotography By Leedra

  41. They are beautiful girls. But, of course. They must take after their grandma!
    Hope you have lots of fun.

  42. Yes, they are beautiful!!! Do enjoy your trip, rain or shine. Will miss you. Come back safe and sound with lots of pics to share.

  43. You have beautiful grandchildren! Have fun in Texas and I hope you dont' get too much rain.

  44. Oh have fun in Texas! Your grandchildren are so pretty!

    And I don't think you're biased with your grand daughters! :P

  45. I don't think I have ever met anyone who travels as much as the both of you do. I think it is wonderful how much you enjoy life. You are an inspiration for everyone Betsy.

  46. Have a safe trip and have a lot of fun.

  47. I hope you have a wonderful trip, Betsy. Such a joy for you to get to visit the grandchildren. I'm sure you are very proud of them.

  48. Hope you have a wonderful trip!

  49. Hurry home Betsy and tell us all about your trip and the granddaughters. They ARE beautiful! Clara

  50. I am back.Hope you will have a safe sounded trip and hope the rain keeps off.

  51. Have a wonderful trip and enjoy your grandchildren. We will see ya when you get back.

  52. Hope you're having a good trip, rain aside. Cute granddaughters, I played softball too in the olden days, my nickname was "scoop"!

  53. What beautiful girls !!
    I hope you have a wonderful visit, and spoil them rotten :)
    Tell us all about it when you get back, and as always.....
    Travel safely ..

  54. Hello Betsy,
    This is my first visit to your blog I arrived from your your husband's blog Senior Moments.I signed up to follow you, your blog is beautifully presented from a warm sincere person. George is a great person that I have learned to know and I look forward to knowing you, too. I wish you both a safe trip and return from your family visit. Your granddaughters are lovely young ladies. Enjoy your time with them.Family is so important and expecially grandchildren.

  55. Can't wait to see pictures and hear about your trip.

  56. Betsy,
    Hope you're having a wonderful visit and taking loads of photos.
    Talk when you get home!


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