Saturday, May 18, 2024


 Dear Blog Friends,   Our IRISES in the yard this year have been truly fantastic.  We have had 51 different varieties --and all of them had many stalks/blooms...  Truly Awesome.    Here are some more of my favorite Irises for 2024.... 

World Premier  4/23/24

Autumn Circus 4/23/24

Picasso Moon4/24/24

Garden Grace 4/24/24/

Laura Jean 4/24/24

Second Fiddle 4/27/24

Goodnight Kiss 4/28/24

Broadway 4/29/24 (a favorite new Iris this year)

Another favorite new Iris this year:  Daughter of Stars (4/29/24)

Orange Harvest 5/2/24  (an every year favorite.) 

Another every year favorite:  Bountiful Harvest 5/4/24

Tennessee VOL   5/6/24.  (favorite since I love the TN VOLS)

WELL--enough Irises for today!!!!!  The Irises are leaving us now--but hopefully some of the re-bloomers will bloom again in Fall. 

Hope you are safe and well.  We've had our share of storms here --but so far, nothing serious...  It has been many years since we've had THIS much rain!   BUT --after seeing what happened in Houston this week,  I do NOT need to complain about 'just' rain here!!!
